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    By receiving this attunement, you will be able to strengthen the connection to Archangel Michael and be able to call on him for his strength and protection.


    Archangel Michael can help you fulfil your divine life purpose – and this attunement is especially recommended for Lightworkers who may feel a bit isolated at times. It will show you that no matter how lonely you may have felt, that you have never been alone.


    This attunement is also ideal if you have major life changes to make as Archangel Michael can help to smooth your path and keep you safe as he guides you.


    You will receive:

    ◊ the Angel Light Initiation zipped manual

    ◊ 1 distant attunement that can be received via the orb of light method or in real time – info sheets contained within the zipped file

    ◊ an emailed certificate upon completion

    ◊ on-going support

    Archangel Michael Attunement

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