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    Channelled in 2018 by Philip Hilton


    The Goddess Guardians of the Moon was channelled to bring alignment with the powers that are associated with each of the seven Goddesses and in doing so, you will learn how to connect with the energies of the Moon itself. Our bodies are made up of around 60-65% of water and, therefore, are constantly influenced by the phases and energies of the Moon. The Lunar influences on the Earth’s waters also affect us, too. The Lunar influences are very strong and they wax and wane, as does the Moon itself. We experience the regular ebb and flow of these Cosmic Tides and are all too often victims of their whims.


    This empowerment has been designed to bring to you the Ethereal Matrix of Support, enabling you to exist in harmony with the Lunar Phases and, in doing so, enriching your lives, your emotional system and your spirituality.


    Your will learn about the following, and much more:

    ~ Who are the Goddesses of the Moon

    ~ Which Goddesses is aligned to each of your chakras

    ~ Timing of the Moon & the Tides and uses for Sea Magick

    ~ Moon Cycles & the Celtic Moons

    ~ Herbs of the Moon Goddesses


    You will receive:

    ◊ the Goddess Guardians of the Moon zipped manual

    ◊ 1 distant attunement that can be received via the orb of light method or in real time – info sheets

    contained within the zipped file

    ◊ an emailed certificate upon completion

    ◊ on-going support

    Goddess Guardians of the Moon

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