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    The I AM attunement is a process that allows a person to be a channel of pure Universal / Creator energy with no intermediaries. It is a multi-fold process that begins with the acceptance that you are indeed a part of God, or whomever / whatever you believe to be your Creator… it an energy source, God, Allah or Vishnu.


    There is no need to learn symbols or a ‘right’ way of working – you will ALWAYS know what needs to be done or said to flow this healing in any situation.


    The I AM attunement is based upon the premise that all humans are capable of being a source of universal energy and that it is only right and natural that we keep open the 7th chakra, our connection to this energy at all times, to bring it into the earth plane as it was in the beginning, before man learned that he was separate. It takes conscious practice to keep this chakra open at all times and it will take some getting used to. Changes in your life will occur as this energy flow comes in and moves through each chakra.


    You will receive:

    ◊ the I AM Universal / God / Source zipped manual

    ◊ 1 distant attunement that can be received via the orb of light method or in real time – info sheets

    contained within the zipped file

    ◊ an emailed certificate upon completion

    ◊ on-going support

    I AM the Universal / God / Creator / Source Activation

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