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Founders Jose Gonzales & Stephanie Brail


There are meridians that run deep within the body and those that run close to the surface, but we will concern ourselves with the 12 main meridians that come to the surface. Acupuncturists have been using these meridians for thousands of years in China, but only comparatively recently in the West.


The belief is that if the energy flow is interrupted, some kind of disease arises in the area of interrupted flow or in a part of the body associated with it. If energy flow is badly interrupted, unconsciousness results and in the case of complete failure of energy flow, death. So, you can see why it is considered very important to keep the energy flowing smoothly along the meridian lines.


Meridian Flush 1 – removes bad energy from one’s body and clears up the energy pathways in the body, thereby improving energy flow and distribution.


Meridian Flush 2 – is far more effective and powerful than its predecessor, Meridian Flush 1. It is a truly remarkable energy cleaning tool. Once activated, it begins to cleanse your meridian system automatically. The energy is conscious, and it releases blockages as it moves through your meridians. You can literally feel the energy coursing through your system and radiating from your body. It feels fantastic!


Meridian Flush 3 – Releasing the Past – provides a very gentle cleanse of the energy system with a specific intent of releasing past issues. It doesn’t bring a feeling of instant fireworks (it may, but don’t expect it!). this flush works very deeply, but subtly, to clear out old gunk – past emotional issues, old stuff being held onto, stubborn blockages, etc.


Meridian Flush 4 – Embracing the Present – is a strong, sparkly energy that will wake you up and make you feel more energised. This is the type of energy that will make you feel tingly all over while it’s doing its thing!


Meridian Flush 4 is used to clear away and finish the energies brought up in the Meridian Flush 3. It is then used on its own to help strengthen the energetic system and align you with Spirit so you are in tune with the present…being present is about awareness and wholeness. Meridian Flush 4 brings us into that present moment. It brings joyful energy that can be used in time for a ‘pick-me-up’.


Meridian Flush 5 & 6 – are designed to balance out the male/female energies of the energetic system, the yin/yang.


Meridian Flush 5 works on the Yang or Male energy. Balancing the yang energies will help bring more assertiveness and strength to a person who is weak and indecisive


Meridian Flush 6 works on the Yin or Female energy. Using the Yin energy can calm you down so you become more peaceful and restful if you’re feeling too wired or call down a person who is too aggressive, violent and angry.


Meridian Flush 7 & 8 – bring in positive energies of insight and inspiration; to uplift the spirit and help the individual follow their true-life path. This set also heals on a more esoteric level: to align the individual with their inner spark to provide insight and inspiration. These two flushes can bring increased clarity, joy and hope for a better future.


Meridian Flush 9 & 10 – help release resistance and connect the individual with the ‘flow’ of life.


Meridian Flush 9 works on releasing resistance, resistance on the literal level as well as the figurative level. Our physical bodies need life force energy or chi to run smoothly In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that, when chi gets stuck in the meridians, physical disease can occur, making it important to release energetic and emotional resistance for our physical healing and well-being.


Meridian Flush 10 brings the energy of flow. Flow is, of course, easier without resistance. Just as a dammed up river cannot flow, our chi when blocked, cannot flow well and we experience disease in the body and mind.


Flow shows up as perfect opportunities, connections and people coming into our life, just at the right time. Flow is getting the inspired idea…that creative ‘aha’ moment. Flow is living in a groove where the things that you need come in when you need them and that which needs to go, that which leaves on its own accord, without struggle, stress or resistance. It brings in new positive energy into the meridians and acts as a spiritual lubricant to loosen up any calcified old energies and bring fresh, new energies. It allows us to live more peaceful, productive, easy lives.


You will receive:

◊ the Meridian Flush Empowerments 1-10 zipped manual

◊ 10 separate distant attunements that can be received via the orb of light method or in real time – info sheets contained within the zipped file

◊ an emailed certificate upon completion

◊ on-going support

Meridian Flush Empowerments 1-10

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