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    The Rejuvenation Empowerment is a gentle, soothing energy meant to be used as a balm to stress, tension, worry or fear. It is extremely easy to use and should not have any energetic side effects. It can be used in conjunction with other types of Reiki.


    The purpose of this energy is to calm, soothe and refresh. It is, therefore, a wonderful energy to use with someone who is fatigued and feeling overwhelmed.


    You will receive:

    ◊ the Rejuvenation Empowerment zipped manual

    ◊ 1 distant attunement that can be received via the orb of light method or in real time – info sheets contained within the zipped file

    ◊ an emailed certificate upon completion

    ◊ on-going support

    Rejuvenation Empowerment

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